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Video: Innovative Industry Leaders

Nov 8, 2021

As CrewTracks has grown over the past several years, we have observed a stereotype that exists in the construction world: the idea that construction workers are old-fashioned and stubborn.

While this may be true among some construction companies that are slow to adopt new technology, it is not true of the companies and people that use CrewTracks. Again and again, we have observed incredible innovation and versatility among those who lead their respective industries by adopting new technology, keeping up with industry advancements, and inventing new processes of their own. Our customers regularly marry old-school concepts and classic craftsmanship with cutting-edge approaches that truly make them industry leaders.

With this in mind, we recently invited our customers to apply to be recognized as Innovative Industry Leaders for their respective industries. We are in the process of selecting one company from each industry, and we are thrilled to introduce the first one.