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CrewTracks at Trade Shows

Jul 19, 2022

Over the last 6 months, CrewTracks account managers have traveled all over the country exhibiting at trade shows, attending association meetings, and of course, playing lots of golf. From Las Vegas to Boston, New Orleans to Toronto, we have been able to meet new people, get to know their companies and their needs, and share with them how our software can foster better communication between the office and the field. In short, we met cool people and started helping them save time, money, and paper.


Construction Photo Documentation

Jun 21, 2022

Photo documentation is an important part of the construction process. Photos are a great way to document the key steps, keep track of progress and ensure your crew is following procedures and safety protocols on your projects. Photos are an essential part of record-keeping in construction. They can provide more information than just a write-up can by giving you a visual of the job site.


CrewTracks & Insulation Outlook Magazine

May 26, 2022

CrewTracks was asked to be featured in the National Insulation Association’s new industry magazine, Insulation Outlook, as the tech spotlight for the spring 2022 issue. After getting to know the NIA and taking a closer look at our customers in the insulation industry, we found we are a great fit for this industry. Whether it be commercial insulation or residential insulation, CrewTracks has features to help track production, create daily reports, track time, and make it easy to run payroll.


Construction Document Management

Apr 29, 2022

At CrewTracks, we focus on field management for construction companies. That means our document management is not related so much to pre-job planning as it is to communication with the crew on a job site once work begins. This could mean one-way communication to the job site such as a mobilization map, or it could mean two-way communication including checkboxes, dropdowns, text boxes, and signature fields that will supply the office with needed data.

Check out the video for a quick preview, and continue reading for a bit of advice about construction documents and a bunch of free documents ready for electronic use.


Heads Up: A Few Changes to our Mobile Apps

Apr 10, 2022

Have you ever been a longtime user of Apple and then switched to Android or vice versa? Yeah, me neither. However, many CrewTracks customers have a mixture of Android and Apple devices at their company, and in an ongoing effort to make their lives easier, we have a few changes to announce in order to make the iPhone and Android apps more identical.


Construction Daily Reporting | CrewTracks

Feb 11, 2022

Best Construction Daily Reporting

For construction companies, daily reporting is a balance between information and simplicity. If your daily reports are too simple, they are not very useful. However, if you expect your crew leaders to complete a lengthy report every day, their effectiveness as crew leader suffers. Or, more likely, they simply will not complete the report. Remembering the purpose of the report will help you find the right balance for your company.


New Feature: Mass Clock In/Out

Dec 28, 2021

Creating daily reports for construction just got even easier with CrewTracks. Today’s new feature announcement is pretty simple in principle, but you might want to watch the video below to learn the details.

Essentially, you can now do the following en masse rather than being limited to doing these things for one individual at a time:

  • Clock in and out
  • Edit clock in and out times
  • Set lunch break duration
  • Edit lunch break duration
  • Remove shifts (only supervisors & admins can do this)

New Feature: Organization Switching

Dec 9, 2021

We have an exciting new feature announcement today. And by exciting, I mean… most of our current customers don’t need it, but those who do, REALLY need it. And it opens the doors for us to better serve larger companies, which is exciting.


New Feature: Select All Copies for Document Exports

Oct 11, 2021

We recently rolled out a feature that allowed you to move and copy documents throughout CrewTracks, which saved a lot of time in cases where you wanted an identical document to reside in multiple contexts. For example, a JSA attached to every job or an inspection attached to every vehicle.

We’re pleased to announce part 2 of that feature: the ability to select all copies of a document for export. The video below will teach you how to use this feature.


New Feature: Edit Photos

Sep 7, 2021

A daily report for construction is never complete without photos. Jobsite photos truly are worth a thousand words, and yet, the notes that accompany those photos are often just as important. Today, we’re excited to announce that the notes and photos section of CrewTracks now includes the ability to draw on a photo as well as add text directly to the photo. The following video will give you the basics about this new feature, and if you’d like to learn a bit more, the second video will get into some of the more advanced features.