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Video: Innovative Industry Leaders

Nov 8, 2021

As CrewTracks has grown over the past several years, we have observed a stereotype that exists in the construction world: the idea that construction workers are old-fashioned and stubborn.

While this may be true among some construction companies that are slow to adopt new technology, it is not true of the companies and people that use CrewTracks. Again and again, we have observed incredible innovation and versatility among those who lead their respective industries by adopting new technology, keeping up with industry advancements, and inventing new processes of their own. Our customers regularly marry old-school concepts and classic craftsmanship with cutting-edge approaches that truly make them industry leaders.

With this in mind, we recently invited our customers to apply to be recognized as Innovative Industry Leaders for their respective industries. We are in the process of selecting one company from each industry, and we are thrilled to introduce the first one.


New Production Tracking Features

Dec 14, 2019

UPDATE: As of April 9, 2020, this feature has been fully released and we no longer need beta testers. This blog post has been edited accordingly. Enjoy!


The biggest CrewTracks update since the release of document management is here!

It’s huge, and frankly, you probably don’t need to know all that’s possible with this update. You just need to know how to make CrewTracks work for your use case. For that reason, we’ve created the video below, which contains four scenarios. Skip to the 2-minute mark to see these scenarios laid out so you can choose the one that best matches your needs. Then skip to that part of the video and you’ll find the training that is most relevant to your needs. Pretty thoughtful of us, eh? It’s just because we love you guys.


[VIDEO] Brazos & Legacy Masonry Case Study

Aug 31, 2019

One of the challenges of adopting a system like CrewTracks is that it touches so many parts of the business. We sometimes joke that we’re half software, half marriage counseling. Our software translates between owners, project managers, accountants, payroll administrators, foremen, and individual workers. We work hard to simplify this communication. Specifically, we aim to keep things simple for the client office staff and even simpler for the field crews. This case study showcases just one of many success stories in this endeavor.