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New Feature: Edit Photos

Sep 7, 2021

A daily report for construction is never complete without photos. Jobsite photos truly are worth a thousand words, and yet, the notes that accompany those photos are often just as important. Today, we’re excited to announce that the notes and photos section of CrewTracks now includes the ability to draw on a photo as well as add text directly to the photo. The following video will give you the basics about this new feature, and if you’d like to learn a bit more, the second video will get into some of the more advanced features.


CrewTracks at The Utility Expo

Sep 2, 2021

In just a few short weeks, two of our account managers will be representing CrewTracks at the Utility Expo in Louisville, Kentucky. We are so excited to travel to this event and make new connections, great friendships, and create strong partnerships.


New Feature: View Jobs by Customer

Aug 26, 2021

You’ve always been able to look up jobs by customer in the web app, but now field crews can view jobs by customer in the mobile apps, too! We have added this functionality everywhere you can add jobs to a daily report in the mobile app, including these areas of the mobile apps: time assignment, jobs, production, equipment, notes & photos, and materials.

This two-minute video will show you what to expect with this update.


5 Innovative Materials and Techniques for New Construction

Aug 23, 2021

At CrewTracks, our purpose is to “help and innovate for the people who build and maintain our world.” Because of that, we like to stay updated on the latest and greatest innovations in the construction world. From time to time we will have guest authors on our blog sharing new technologies and techniques. Our first guest author is Sam Willis.


New Feature: Photos in Documents

Jul 18, 2021

Daily reports for construction are easy with CrewTracks, and we’ve always allowed you to add notes and photos to your daily report. Additionally, CrewTracks allows you to view, edit, annotate, and sign digital versions of your own documents, whether it’s a specific document required by your customer or simply a document you want to keep using because it’s familiar.

However, the notes and photos section and the documents feature have always lived completely separately from each other, which presents a problem if a certain document requires a photo as part of the document.

Today we’re thrilled to demonstrate that once again we’ve heard your feedback and produced a new feature to meet your needs. You can now add photos directly to a PDF document in CrewTracks.

The following two videos will show you how this new feature works.


New Feature: Job Notifications

Jul 9, 2021

Just one simple and handy feature to announce today, but stay tuned: very soon we will announce an update to Document Management!

CrewTracks now includes the ability to indicate which users should be notified via email when a schedule containing a certain job is submitted or approved. It’s very simple, very useful, and this 3-minute video will show you everything you need to know.


New Report: Clock Status

Jun 28, 2021

Daily reports for construction are our bread and butter. Our customers rely on our mobile apps to quickly and simply create daily reports for each construction crew and each job site. However, some of our customers may not be aware of the ways we aggregate that data to allow you to access the information you need without viewing a bunch of individual, daily reports.

In fact, we recently added a new report to CrewTracks: the Clock Status Report. The Clock Status page used to simply be a live look at who is currently clocked in, finished, or not yet started. But wait til you see what it can do now.


CrewTracks at World of Concrete

Jun 11, 2021

This past week, five account managers from CrewTracks traveled to Las Vegas to attend the World of Concrete trade show and exposition. World of Concrete is the first trade show back in Las Vegas since CONEXPO closed a day early due to COVID-19 on March 13, 2020. We were there for that surreal moment in history, and 452 days later, we were there for the reopening of trade shows in Las Vegas.  We were so happy to be with people again, talk face to face, join in on events, and see the world beginning to return to normal.


Web Document Editor

Apr 29, 2021

One way CrewTracks makes daily reports for construction easy and paperless is by allowing you to view and edit your own, custom PDFs in our mobile app. Today, we have great news: you can now edit PDFs in the web app as well. In other words, your office staff now has access to all the same editing tools as the field crews. In addition, you can now copy and move documents between different contexts in CrewTracks. So, for example, if you want a certain document to appear in every job, you can copy that document to all your jobs rather than uploading it to each job individually.

The video below has all the details, so check it out.