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Two Small Updates: Photo Uploads and Photo/Document Exports

Mar 12, 2021

We just released a couple of small updates to CrewTracks and wanted to make sure you are aware.

Okay, full disclosure: we just released a HUGE, very important update to CrewTracks, but most of the changes are invisible. We completely changed the way we store photos, and if we did it right, you didn’t even notice. However, the work we’ve done lays the groundwork for some very exciting features we have planned, and we did sneak in a couple of noticeable updates while we were under the hood.


Easy Daily Reports for Construction

Mar 10, 2021

In construction, daily reporting sometimes feels like a necessary evil. That’s why we’re so proud of the simplicity of our daily reports app. Take a look.

First, here’s a 3-minute video showing how simple it is to create daily construction logs with CrewTracks:


New Feature: Job Types & Templates

Feb 28, 2021

Construction job tracking software has become an increasingly competitive market in recent years, which is great news. This means we at CrewTracks are working even harder to stay a step ahead. We are innovating by combining vision with feedback and making sure we are the world’s best field management software for construction.

As part of this ongoing innovation, we are pleased to announce two new features: Job Types and Job Templates.


Fieldlens Replacement

Dec 24, 2020

In 2017, WeWork bought Fieldlens, and we just heard that they are shutting down all of Fieldlens, both the web and apps, around the end of 2020.

CrewTracks is a good alternative for Fieldlens since we have some of the same note and photo features, but we also have a whole lot more features to manage every aspect field operations, from document management, plan management, custom fields, equipment tracking, materials, productivity and production, time tracking, daily reports, and so much more.

Learn more about how CrewTracks can replace Fieldlens

List of List Updates

Oct 14, 2020

CrewTracks helps you organize a bunch of lists, including employees, jobs, materials, and equipment. We recently gave the employees list a major overhaul, and now it’s time to give these lists some love, too:

  • Jobs
  • Equipment
  • Materials

Plus, we’ve made a small update to the way schedules are handled.


CrewTracks is Powerful Piece-Rate Tracking Software

Sep 26, 2020

Piece work tracking, piece-rate tracking, individual production tracking… whatever you want to call it, we consistently discover people are surprised at how powerfully CrewTracks fulfills this need.

Well, shame on us for not shouting it from the rooftops.


Update to Customers Features & New Injury Report

Jul 28, 2020

If you’ve ever taken a moment to review the CrewTracks vision, you’ll see this important part of it:

We balance continual improvement of our features with creating new ones.

~ CrewTracks Core Value: We innovate by combining vision with feedback

These two new updates are great examples of this. You’ve been able to report and track injuries in CrewTracks for years. You’ve also been able to view a list of your customers and the jobs associated with them. But both of these features just got a whole lot better. The video below has a quick explanation.


New Employees List

May 11, 2020

At CrewTracks, one of our guiding principles is “We work hard to keep things simple for the client office staff and even simpler for the field crews.”

The emphasis on field crews is intentional. Our mobile app is our pride and joy, and we spend countless hours brainstorming, diagramming, and revamping our plans to make sure we’re not adding undue complexity to our mobile app.

Maybe that’s why today’s update is so exciting. Because for once, we have an update that is 100% focused on the office staff. Field crews, we love you, but let’s be honest, there are one or two people in your office who hold the entire company together. Every company we work with has these one or two people, and they’re usually very involved in the implementation and administration of CrewTracks. We call them the lynchpins.

Lynchpins, today’s update is for you.


Coronavirus / COVID-19

Apr 1, 2020

We did a webinar with the MCAA today about how CrewTracks can help companies navigate the current pandemic. During the webinar, viewers requested access to the example documents we shared. Those documents are linked below, as well as the webinar recording in case you missed it.


Email Notifications (including Injury Notifications)

Feb 26, 2020

You’ve always been able to report injuries in CrewTracks, and you’ve always had a second set of eyes on each daily report to check for any reported injuries. More recently, you’ve been able to run a report on injuries by date range just to confirm all those “no” responses to the daily “were you injured” question.

But still… what if you missed one?