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New Production Tracking Features

Dec 14, 2019

UPDATE: As of April 9, 2020, this feature has been fully released and we no longer need beta testers. This blog post has been edited accordingly. Enjoy!


The biggest CrewTracks update since the release of document management is here!

It’s huge, and frankly, you probably don’t need to know all that’s possible with this update. You just need to know how to make CrewTracks work for your use case. For that reason, we’ve created the video below, which contains four scenarios. Skip to the 2-minute mark to see these scenarios laid out so you can choose the one that best matches your needs. Then skip to that part of the video and you’ll find the training that is most relevant to your needs. Pretty thoughtful of us, eh? It’s just because we love you guys.


New Feature: External Document Sharing

Nov 22, 2019

This is one of those times when A LOT is happening behind the scenes, but we can only share a little bit of it right now. Stay tuned for another blog post very soon.

For now, we have some attractive new icons (oooh, aaah) but the really exciting announcement is external document sharing. Check it out:


Notes & Photos: Require Per Job, and Add to Job Signoff

Sep 18, 2019

At CrewTracks, we continue to innovate by combining vision with feedback, but these two features, in particular, are 100% from your feedback.

Require Notes & Photos Per Job

First, we’ve added the ability to indicate whether notes and photos are required on a certain job. Before this update, you could only check a couple of boxes to indicate whether notes & photos were required on the entire schedule.

Yup, those checkboxes right there.

[VIDEO] Brazos & Legacy Masonry Case Study

Aug 31, 2019

One of the challenges of adopting a system like CrewTracks is that it touches so many parts of the business. We sometimes joke that we’re half software, half marriage counseling. Our software translates between owners, project managers, accountants, payroll administrators, foremen, and individual workers. We work hard to simplify this communication. Specifically, we aim to keep things simple for the client office staff and even simpler for the field crews. This case study showcases just one of many success stories in this endeavor.


Proportional Overtime Export Explained

Aug 20, 2019

Great news, CrewTracks fans!  As promised, our proportional overtime export will be available in your CrewTracks app starting riiiiiight… now.  As we mentioned in the last blog post, our “User Time” export has always included overtime hours, but it did not include information about which job the overtime applied to.  For that reason, we are changing the “Manual (CSV)” job time export to include this information.  As part of this process, some columns have changed in the export, so if you rely on a consistent column order, you might need to make one-time adjustments to accommodate the new export format.

In other words:

If you are using the “Manual (CSV)” Job Time Export in your payroll process, please allow some extra time next time you run payroll, and please let us know if we can help.

In most cases, the changes won’t affect you at all.  But if you have some excel wizardry or processes set up on your end that we’re not aware of, we want to help you update those as swiftly and smoothly as possible.


Two New Features in August

Jul 31, 2019

These features will be coming to CrewTracks in the next few weeks, and we wanted to give you a heads up:

1. Option to Disable “Add/Remove” Functionality for Jobs, Equipment, Materials

You have always been able to indicate whether you want to be able to add and remove employees from a schedule in our mobile app, but this was not the case for jobs, equipment, or materials. These features always had add/remove functionality, and in some cases, this has caused problems for our customers. So we have added the option to turn off the add/remove functionality for these sections of the app. Just uncheck the boxes indicated below in Organization Settings.


Automatic Lunch Allocation, Choose Supervisor, and More

Jul 10, 2019

I just committed one of my pet peeves: I used the phrase “and more.” I hate that… if there’s more, tell me what it is! But there are simply too many updates to sum up in a title, and I decided not to use the title “Holy crap we’re releasing a TON of new features today.” So take a look at the headings below and dive in to any features that pique your interest.


Preparing Documents for CrewTracks: Instructions and Done-For-You Pricing

Jun 15, 2019

Hello, CrewTracks world! Are you stoked about document management? If you’re thinking to yourself, “Uh, not really,” there’s a good chance one of these describes you:

  1. You haven’t used it yet. Shame on you! This is huge!
  2. You have documents in Microsoft Word or PDF format, but they’re not ready for CrewTracks.

If #2 describes you, we’ve got your back. Actually, if #1 describes you, we’ve got your back there as well. We’ve got your back no matter what, okay? But right now we’re going to talk about #2.


Document Management is Here!

May 21, 2019

Maybe you’ve been “in the know” for a year, or maybe you had no idea this was coming.  Either way, document management is HUGE, and it’s the result of a ton of hard work and innovation here at CrewTracks.  We’ve created five training videos for you to get up to speed, and they are at the bottom of this post.  But first, here’s a very brief, doesn’t-even-do-it-justice, three point summary:


The Right Data on the Right Date

Feb 4, 2019

We’ve got two new features for you that will help you get the right data on the right date.  First, if you accidentally open the schedule for the wrong date, CrewTracks will now notify you: